RGBbot manual

Here you can find information about the game, how to play, game mechanics, etc.

Main menu:

The TIMED PLAY button is a new feature (from version 1.1). Pressing it will change the game to the "Timed Mode" - the PLAY button changes to TIMED PLAY, and the HIGH SCORES button changes to TIMED SCORES. In Timed Mode, you don't play a multi-stage game, but rather a single stage, racing against a countdown clock (60 seconds), trying to better your score.

Bot graphics in the game and on this page are modifications based on work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.

The font used in the game menu is Ray Larabie's "Good Times". Also used in the game is his "Forgotten Futurist" font. Check his page out at http://www.larabiefonts.com.

All other content copyright 2013 Peculiar-Games and P.A. Casey.