Voyage to Farland
Voyage to Farland is a "Mystery Dungeon" style graphical roguelike game. It's fun but pretty difficult. Roguelikes are a niche genre among role playing games, but if you're into them, give it a try! Voyage to Farland is an RPG that will kick your butt yet keep you coming back for more.
The game runs on PC/Mac/Linux as well as Android devices.
Voyage to Farland Trailers (desktop & Android)
More here on the YouTube channel here! And here are quick links to all of my apps on Google play - view in browser or view in Market app.
Thanks to Danc from the Lost Garden for creating Planet Cute. "PlanetCute" and "2D Circle Graphic Archive" art by Daniel Cook,
"Hero with Crow at the Castle" concept art copyright 2013, Shroom Arts.
Also, thanks to Hidden Observer for allowing the use of some of their songs in the game!
All other content copyright Peculiar-Games and P.A. Casey.
Monster stats are here.