old control scheme
Here's an explanation of the old or original control scheme for Voyage to Farland. If you have an Android device that doesn't support multitouch input, this is the default control scheme. For the new controls on multitouch devices see this page.
Fire Button (bullet): fire equipped projectiles.
After drinking a monster vial, the Fire Button uses the monster's special attack.
Attack Button: attack monsters or talk to friendly
NPCs. Changes to SELECT in menu mode for selecting items.
INV Button: bring up Inventory menu system.
DIAG Button: restrict character movement to diagonals (very useful for precise movement when HP is low!).
Save/Revert Button: save game and exit back to main menu.
After saving, it's safe to hit the Back button and exit the game. After drinking a vial, this button also allows you to revert to "human" form.
There is also a new option to Auto Save (see below).
Direction Pad (green cross): move character or move through menus. You can also move up and down in menus by scrolling up/down in the center of the touch screen.
Rotate Button (circle arrow): hit this button, then use Direction pad to change character's direction without moving.
Turn off button to move again!
In Inventory, the Rotate Button also sorts items.
MAP Button: turns the semi-transparent map on/off. (flashing white dot=hero, yellow dot=NPC, red dot=monster, blue dot=item, black dot=trap, blue square=exit)
Stats at top of screen: these list your current level, HP (Health Points), FULLNESS (how long before you need to eat), and floor number in the current dungeon.
Dash Mode: outside the Inventory menu swipe up in the center of the screen to enter "Dash Mode". Red DASH text will appear at the lower left corner of the screen, moving with DPAD will make character dash in that direction.
Also use Dash Mode to "move into" an NPC to swap places with him/her.
Keyboard: in the current version, the following keys also map to game controls:
DPAD: character movement
A,Enter: Attack/Talk
Space: Inventory
F: Fire
D: Diagonal movement
M: Map on/off
R: Rotate on/off
G: Dash on/off
K: Keyboard Mode (hides touchscreen DPAD, Attack,Inv,Fire buttons)
Trackball: on devices with a trackball, you can scroll up/down in menus and right/left to the next/previous menu page using the trackball.
You can also move your character using the trackball although the DPAD is more convenient since you can press and hold a direction to move repeated turns.
Note: the current version was tested on a Nexus One. There is an option in Menu/Settings for "High CPU use" which will improve frame rate but use more CPU and battery power. Also, on devices with physical keyboards, try the K key to hide many of the touchscreen buttons (and save CPU cycles for drawing them).
There is also a new setting, Auto Save (beta), which will save your current game when Voyage to Farland is interrupted.
The goal of these "Mystery Dungeon" style roguelikes is to explore, grab items, equip weapons, fight monsters, and get to the next floor.
In "Voyage to Farland" there are quests to fulfill, including finding the children missing from the main village, finding your long-lost sister, meeting all the friendly "buddy" characters that will fight alongside you, unlocking and clearing all the dungeons, and more!
So explore, have fun, and don't forget to save your game!
Thanks to Danc from the Lost Garden for creating Planet Cute. "PlanetCute" and "2D Circle Graphic Archive" art by Daniel Cook, Lostgarden.com.
Also, thanks to Hidden Observer for allowing the use of some of their songs in the game!
All other content copyright 2012 Peculiar-Games and P.A. Casey.