version history

This is a release history for the Android version of Voyage to Farland. For the desktop version of the game (Windows/Linux) have a look at the Desura News section to track updates.

v2.2: Synced up the code from the desktop version of the game (except Rescue Codes) - this includes improvements to the Toy Robot NPC, its leveling scheme and other tweaks like better hiding of monster rooms (so watch out!)

v2.0: option for alternate controls with DPAD at bottom left, a new buddy NPC, Bot Subplot Dungeon, bug fixes and tweaks.

v1.99: UI optimized for Nexus 7.

v1.94: bug fixes for the hardcore bonus dungeon, "The Path of No Return".

v1.92: added Quick Start option and more bug fixes for multitouch controls on Android 4.0 tablets..

v1.9v: adjustment to frame rate code (MENU/Settings/Game Speed), bug fix for multitouch controls on tablets, some graphics cleanup.

v1.9: refinements to DPAD, etc.

v1.8t: fix for (rare?) bug when setting Music/Sound FX volume (MENU/Settings), some graphics upgrades.

v1.8s: faster load time, sleep/wake bug fix, better layout for Nook Color/KindleFire etc.

v1.8k: preliminary support for custom key bindings for phones with keyboards & Xperia PLAY (beta).

v1.8e: tweaked game balance.

v1.8d: tweaked gfx, bug fixes (opening hardware keyboard...), game speed/CPU button, documentation, UI for large tablets (Xoom, etc.)

v1.8b: new tileset for "The Dark Forest", better touchscreen menu scrolling, fixes for a couple of obscure bugs

v1.8: multitouch controls, Japanese translation, move to SD card option.

v1.7m: choice of controls for tablet devices via MENU/Settings "Control Set" button, bug fixes, touchup of some graphics.

v1.7g: added basic UI support for tablet devices (Galaxy Tab, etc.) Also, some minor formatting changes to "Controls" and "How to Play" menu text.

v1.7b: controls (larger DPAD), mdpi device UI tweaks, fixes for gfx glitches, keyboard, etc.

v1.6: added AutoSave feature (beta) to save the game when interrupted. Tweaks to DPAD controls.

v1.5: dialog to confirm back button press in dungeons. (Still working on an auto-save feature...) Also, fixed reference in the training dungeon to using the "L button" to fire projectiles - left over from the DS version.

v1.4: added volume controls (MENU button/Settings), tweaks to touch screen menu scrolling controls, etc.

v1.3: added small icons for items in the inventory menu. Also, fix for a bug when trying to use a special attack (FIRE button) while possessed by a monster that has no special or ranged attack (e.g. Oba family, level 1 Maskboy, etc.)

v1.2: bug fix for credits font that shows up in Android 2.2

v1.1: bug fixes (cut-scene sprite glitch, viperbeetle spin bug), gfx tweaks (credits scene), etc.
